The Benefits of Blogging


Starting a blog has always been something I have wanted to do. Life however kept getting in the way and I won’t lie about the fact that my inhibitions played a role as well.

Of course now, this being the second blog post on the Everventurer page, it is evident that I finally managed to give it a go.

A good friend of mine and I both realized that we are in a slump in our lives and that a hobby would be a good idea. Then the question arose,

“Where in earth do we find and inexpensive yet therapeutic hobby?”

As you have by now guessed, “Let’s start a blog!” was the brilliant answer we arrived at. So it turns out that starting a blog is much more of a challenge than I thought. This is mainly because you always seem to have a million ideas floating around in your head until the exact moment you want to write them down.

After struggling with what my first post should be about, I decided to write about the ways a blog can benefit its writer.

So here is a quick list of all the positives I could come up with about writing a blog regularly:

1. Improve Writing Skills

I have always enjoyed writing but with university life and studies it’s hard to find the time. The beauty of writing is that you can create anything by strategically stringing some words together. Hopefully, one day I will create something beautiful with my words that will inspire others.

2. Finding Like-minded people

Although the internet has in many ways created distance between people, it has also become a platform to easily meet others with similar interests and viewpoints. As the blog gains a following (hopefully ours will soon!) you can find people who enjoy hearing what you have to say and maybe even make a new friend.

3. Helps you to grow your thoughts

A blog creates a platform for commenting and discussing various topics. People view things differently and others can help open your mind by thinking of things in a new and unique way. A blog will prove to be a good tool in expanding your knowledge and learning from others to help shape your own view points.

4. Changing lives

Although blogging will help to change your own life, it can help to transform the lives of everyone who reads it. It today’s day and age it may feel difficult to make a real difference. Although blogging may not be the strongest platform to help others it certainly has an effect if it is used in a constructive way.

5. Serves as a journal

Just like journaling, blogging can ultimately train us to be more observant and aid us in our personal journeys. It helps us keep track of our train of thought and shows us how we, and the people around us, have ever changing viewpoints and interests.

A lot of people use blogs for the sole purpose of promoting their businesses and making money. Some people start a blog with the hope that it will help change the world for the better. The thing is, you don’t have to use a blog for any of these things, the change a blog can make in your life is reason enough to start posting!

Thanks so much for reading this post, I would appreciate any feedback and criticism you may have. If you have a moment, please take the time to comment!



A message for a broken heart


Throughout the ages it has been proven that everyone will experience heartbreak at one point or another.

The sad truth about a breakup is that it hurts. The word itself doesn’t give any justice to the pain you feel inside. The agony that you just want to wash away and the memories you just want to forget. You have an aching desire to start your life over in a new, care and worry free place where you will never see your cretin of an ex again.

If I’ve learnt anything, it’s that you have got to stop waiting for them to come running back to you. You can’t keep hoping for a fairy-tale where they realise they’ve lost a diamond and apologise.

The thing is darling, this is the blatant truth – it’s not going to happen.

And you know what? That’s okay. I know it might not feel like it, and I know deep inside you are screaming and you want it to end. I know that seeing him with another girl cuts open wounds and I know with every little message you receive you secretly hope you see his name light up on your phone. I know every time you see something that makes you remember him you just want to forget. And I know that sometimes you can’t get out of bed because you don’t have the will or a hope for anything anymore. I KNOW.

“I realise now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure that you are still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That’s life. The confusion and fear? That’s there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.”

-One Tree Hill

So I could give you all the sayings that people instinctively spit out. Namely, “there are plenty of fish in the sea”; “when one door closes, another one opens” and “what’s meant to be will be”. Trust me, I understand how hearing those things makes you want to take a bat and beat some sense into the person but you know what? They aren’t wrong. Of course it’s not what you want to hear, and no, of course it does NOT heal the situation. It is, however, a sign of hope. A sign that it might be okay. It might not be now and it might not be soon, but this pain is just strengthening you, and preparing you for the amazing things to come.

Chin up darling. You matter. You deserve so much more than this.

Start your day being grateful for what you do have. Work on yourself. Become the person you want to be and everything will fall into place as it should. Someone told me something the other day, and I will never forget:

“Don’t wait for ‘the one’ to come along, build yourself into who you want to be, and be ‘the one’ that people wish to see”

First find yourself, the world will catch up to your fire eventually.
